
Time Monday, 8:15h-11:30h
Room 120
Credits 4 SWS / 6 ECTS
Exam written, 60min


  • First lesson in WS 2425: 14.10.24

Artificial Intelligence

Maybe you know Artificial Intelligence (AI) from Sci-Fi movies? With intelligent machines that are far superior to humans?

If you expect something like this, you might be on the wrong path. First because AI is not only fictitious and future stuff. It is already pervasive in our everyday life. AI is at the heart of weather forecasts, digital assistents (Amazon Echo, Siri, Google Now, chatGPT), automatic content creation, recommendation systems, web-search, fraud detection, face recognition, medical- and technical diagnosis, computer games and much more. Even though we have lots of intelligent machines and applications and AI is supposed to bring major shifts in society, you should not be afraid: AI will not reach the full breadth of human intelligence soon. Intuition, emotions, common sense and social skills are only a few factors of intelligence, which make humans superior.

The message is: AI is something practical. It builds rational agents and it provides a toolbox, which enables new and improves existing applications. This lecture provides a structured entry into AI. The elements of the AI-toolbox are algorithms and datastructures. The mathematical and technical features of these algorithms and their application fields are in the focus of this lecture. On an abstract level AI, as covered in this lecture, can be partitioned into the 4 areas depicted in the figure below. By far the most relevant category is Machine Learning. Therefore, the main part of this lecture is dedicated to this subject.


AI-Developer Certificate

If you plan to focus your Bachelor study on the subject of AI, the HdM Institute for Applied AI provides a bunch of AI-related lectures and you may go for the AI developer certificate. This lecture here (113442 Artifiicial Intelligence) is in the mandatory section for the AI-certificate.

Jupyterbook and Gitlab Repo of this lecture

Exercises and further materials

Exercise Contents
Exercise 1 Search, Plan, Optimize
Exercise 2 Probability, Uncertainty, Bayes Net
Exercise 3 Entropy, Information Gain, Decision Trees
Exercise 4 Single Layer Perceptron (SLP)
Exercise 5 MLP and CNN Configuration
Exercise 6 Unsupervised Learning


  • Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach (4th Edition) (May, 1st, 2021) by Stuart Russell, Peter Norvig

  • Grundkurs Künstliche Intelligenz (September, 16th, 2016) by Wolfgang Ertel

  • Introduction to Machine Learning (Adaptive Computation and Machine Learning) (01 October 2004) by Ethem Alpaydin